Untapped Marketing: Corporate Sponsorship for Charity Events

Sponsoring an event for a charitable organization can be a powerful way to raise brand awareness, create positive press, and build relationships with people in your community.

Fun runs, walks, and 5K races have become popular methods of sponsorship fundraising for the treatment of a variety of diseases, but the variety in charitable events is increasing. Cycling events, stationary cycling events, galas, and even virtual races are all emerging as ways to raise funds for cancer, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions.

Corporate sponsorship for charity events can grant you exposure, but you don’t even need to wait for a particular event to come around; several sponsorship fundraising platforms allow you to throw your own fundraiser on behalf of an organization.

Charitable organizations are always wondering how to find corporate sponsors, and there is no shortage of opportunities for sponsors for charity events. If you want to get the most out of your partnership with a charitable organization, you need to understand your goals in pursuing a sponsorship, make sure you work with the right organization, and pick the sponsorship opportunity that best suits your company.

Sponsors for Charity Events: Establishing Goals

Corporate sponsorship for charity events provide a number of opportunities for exposure and media coverage.

Coverage as a result of a sponsorship is likely to be positive, as you are directly supporting fundraising activities. Companies that sponsor non-profit organizations are likely to receive local news written and broadcast coverage of the event, and well-timed pitching on your behalf can be used to spread the news to a broader audience.

Especially for smaller businesses, taking action can position your company as an organization that is intimately involved in a community — as long as the sponsorship is related to a condition that you are in the business of treating. You also get first-hand interactions with key voices in the community; doctors, patients, caregivers, and family members are all likely to attend.

Choosing the Right Charitable Organization

When you partner with a charitable organization, you need to know what you are looking for and ensure that the organization you are working with is truly effective.

A good charitable organization will spend the majority of its fundraising dollars on its cause. Using websites like Charity Navigator can help you determine the transparency of a particular charity. You want to be able to see where money from corporate sponsorships for non-profits is going.

Beyond your trust in the organization, how do you work with the people in charge? Are they clearly passionate and capable? Developing a strong working relationship with leaders in the community can make the process more enjoyable and fruitful for everyone involved.

What Do You Get From Sponsorship Fundraising?

Sponsorships at a charitable event can vary greatly, but you’ll usually have several options available to you.

Running, biking, and other athletic events often allow you to sponsor individual bikes or whole teams, who will proudly wear your company name as they participate. Banners and signs for your company are certainly possible, as well as mentions in any media coverage and advertising for the event. You will likely receive a link to your site on the online event page.

For larger events, you may be able to sponsor booths or tables, as well as have a representative speak at the event. These opportunities are similar to those at trade shows, but come with direct interaction in your community and increased coverage in the press.

How Can You Get Started?

What conditions does your company’s service or technology serve? Identify the major charities in your space and check out the sponsorship opportunities they have available.

If nothing catches your eye, remember that you can always create your own fundraiser as a third party event to support the charity. Just reach out to the charity to let them know (and get a boost in promotion). The opportunities are limited only by your creativity; one app even lets you raise money through everyday walking.

Sponsors for charity events benefits from increased media coverage and brand awareness. With your company goals in hand and a great charity to partner with, sponsorships can become an effective way to grow your business.