Securing tier 1 media coverage for a
new way to find therapeutic molecules
Enveda Biosciences invented a revolutionary way to identify natural, plant-derived molecules with therapeutic potential using AI, automation, machine learning, and metabolomics. But with low visibility and an unusual new approach, they needed to elevate their presence among the industry and investment community. Landing an oversubscribed $51M in funding was the perfect opportunity to amplify media attention around their story.
CG Life created a robust media relations plan, working with Enveda to define messaging and narrative tracks and develop press materials. The plan carefully combined embargoed and same-day outreach media strategies to reach top-tier business/finance publications, life science trades, and local media near Enveda’s headquarters in Colorado.

Broadcast/Podcast/Live Interviews, Media Commentary, Thought Leadership Byline Articles, Targeted Social Media
Lux Capital Leads $51 Million Financing in Biotech Startup Enveda
Bloomberg QuickTake “Take Stock” Full Show 07/15/2021
Top Life Sciences Startups to Watch in 2022
Local and National Coverage

Social Posts
Enveda was thrilled with the results of the launch, which put them on the map as a credible up-and-coming therapeutic startup to watch with both the life science and investor audiences. This also set the stage to solidify sustained communications momentum to expand into other scientific stories.
Earned media hits and dozens of social mentions
Press release views
Impressions over 6-month span
“We appreciate the strategic planning and diligent work the CG Life team conducted around our Series A launch
to make it a success.”
Viswa Colluru
CEO & Founder
Enveda Biosciences