Intern Guest Blog Post: Why A Supply Chain Major Chose to Intern in Public Relations
As a supply chain major many people ask me, “Why did you choose to intern in public relations (PR)?” I could respond with a simple answer, like “I’m weighing my options” or “I want to make sure supply chain is really what I want to do.” However, the answer is not that simple.

Being in the supply chain industry requires a greater understanding of how the business operates as a whole. So, the real reason I chose to accept a PR internship is that I want to see how different processes work within a business and understand what role PR plays within an organization. Through my internship, I have come to appreciate that clear communication of a company’s message with the press can create both brand awareness and thought leadership, just as well, if not better than an advertising campaign, depending on the target audience.
It’s not surprising then, that the biggest takeaway from my internship with CG Life, is the importance of consistent and effective communication. Whether it’s communicating with your coworkers, clients, or the media, it is essential that you convey your message clearly. The audience on the receiving end must understand what you are trying to say, and why it is important. Successful communication is a necessity when it comes to all relationships, whether they are business or personal.
I believe in order to achieve success, you must understand the many aspects of what it takes to run a strong business – a good idea with a competitive advantage, strong work ethic, solid financials, reliable supply chain – the list goes on. No matter where I work or what department I’m in later in life, I will always keep in mind how much smoother a process runs with good and clear communication.