A Strategy and a Tactic Walk Into a Bar…
A strategy and a tactic walk into a bar. The strategy orders a beer. The bartender pours the beer but serves it to the tactic. Why? Because he couldn’t tell them apart. But how d
The Power of ‘Why?’
Why can one little word make people either supremely uncomfortable or elated? Why can this word build or break consensus to an idea or a plan? Why? I like to ask why. This simple w
6 Marketing Takeaways From the Ice Bucket Frenzy
After more than a month of social media madness, it’s safe to say that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has simmered down to a point at which we can be a bit retrospective. This marv
When Over-sharing Is a Good Thing: Health Goes Social
Facebook newsfeeds have become a standard outlet for sharing and reading health updates. From migraines to broken bones, people have become quite comfortable telling (and showing)