Mobile Advertising May Be Coming of Age

Mobile advertising is still in its infancy. By some estimates, it currently represents about 15 percent of online advertising. However, it is expected to represent 64 percent of all digital advertising by 2015. Furthermore, mobile ad spend is expected to grow from the $743 million spent last year to more than $4 billion by 2015.

Those of us in life science marketing might be excited to quickly adopt this tactic, but we should consider if what holds true for all also holds true for B2B life science marketing. According to a recent article from Mobile Commerce Daily: “Market researcher comScore’s ground-breaking study, “Natural Born Clickers,” found that just eight percent of Internet users now account for 85 percent of all clicks and that these customers are not necessarily the ones that brands want to chase.”

This is not a B2B stat but, as I contend, our B2B audiences bring their B2C experiences and habits to the workplace when it comes to experiencing websites and collecting information digitally. Therefore, it is more of a question of how long, and not if, life science marketing will embrace mobile advertising as a channel.

The bottom line is that mobile advertising will be something for life science companies to consider in the next year or two as part of the marketing mix as more and more of us get smartphones and the reception of information (and marketing messages) via this platform becomes common practice.

One might even say that we are maturing alongside mobile marketing.