The Year of Doing More. Better.
If you’re like most people, the idea of doing more and doing better doesn’t sound like a great idea. After all, the human body and psyche just love status quo. Status quo is co
What You Cared About in 2014
As the year closes, one can’t help but reflect. So, we take a look back at our most popular blog posts from 2014. During the last 12 months, Chempetitive Group’s blog published
The J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Worth the Fuss?
Attendance is by invitation only. There’s no trade show floor. And, good luck tracking down information on speakers and schedules if you’re not invited — a public website for
Native Advertising for the Life Sciences: Navigating a New Type of Content
There’s a lot of buzz about native advertising in the life science marketing and media universe. But for all of the talk, it seems few people really know what native advertising
Native Advertising Part 3: Life Science Q&A With GEN’s Bill Levine
A number of mainstream media outlets — including the New York Times and Fortune — have been early adopters of native advertising. But what about trade publications? And more sp
Native Advertising Part 2: Both Sides of the Debate
Love it or loathe it, the world of media and advertising has changed. With budget-crunched newsrooms cutting their staff to the bone, publications are exploring new advertising mod
Native Advertising Part 1: What Is It and Why Should I Care?
There’s a lot of buzz about native advertising in the marketing and media universe. But for all of the talk, it seems few people really know what native advertising is. Results f
2014 Snapshot: How the Golden State Fared in Biotech
California is known as an innovator in the national and global life sciences community, garnering more federal biomedical research dollars than any other state in the country. As a
How to Make Twitter Not Fun
Make no mistake. Twitter can be a fun and effective vehicle for engaging with the people who influence your company’s success. But for those in highly regulated industries such a
It’s Time to Debunk Lung Cancer Myths
November is Lung Cancer Awareness month. But what does awareness really mean? The truth is, it depends on the disease. For many types of cancer, awareness efforts center on prevent