Brand 911
To build a truly unique brand—one that has equity and serves as a quantifiable asset—takes time and commitment. It’s really a quite simple adage, yet it somehow eludes a lot
One could make an easy argument that the action in San Francisco this week is as good a prognosticator as there is for the financial health of our industry and it will set the tone
London Calling
We now serve the Queen. We’re trading our java for Earl Grey. Fries are now chips, chips are now crisps, and cookies are now biscuits. That’s right… It’s official… Chempe
You Were Awesome, 2010, but We Can’t Wait to Meet 2011
Of course, with any growing family comes the need for new digs. In Chicago, we moved into a new loft space across from a micro brewery, while in San Diego, we doubled our office sp
So, You’re a Storyteller
One Christmas Day, early in my career, my grandmother asked what it was that I was doing with myself in that new job of mine. I explained that I was in PR. “Is that like advertis
I’m Anti-Social. Media.
I’m anti-social. There I said it. When it comes to Facebook and Twitter, I can be a bit of an introvert. It’s not that I don’t have much to share. I just don’t have the tim
A Truly Evolving Brand
The logo was created as a “Biogram”, which creates a new version of it self every day, reflecting how the University is about life, living organisms and cycles. The Biogram is
The Way to a Scientist’s Heart
Our experience working in the life science industry has taught us some valuable lessons. One of which we hold very close to our hearts: Scientists LOVE puns. “Why?” you ask. We
Status Quo Sucks. Most of the Time.
But what really has made the Corona brand successful is the consistency of the campaign message. The company and their agency, Cramer-Krasselt, found a brand formula that resonated
Going Straight to the Customer
Bio-Rad wanted me to visit their customer UC Davis post doc Ryan Jensen (pictured above), who was beta testing the company’s Mini-PROTEAN TGX precast gels. At lunch, Ryan told us