Marketing With a Magnet, Not a Hammer: Why Biotech Brands Need a Good Digital Strategy
Those in the life science and biotechnology sectors are in a challenging position when trying to attract key audiences to their products, technologies and brands. Thanks to instant
We Hosted Our First Life Science Network UNWIND, Crowd Goes Wild
In November 2011, Chempetitive Group hosted and sponsored the first ever UNWIND happy hour from the Life Science Network in San Diego. Like all good experiments, the event had mult
Thinking Up Something Better: A Front Row Seat for Innovation
We would love to be Einstein’s go-to agency, but time travel isn’t safe yet. Plus, as life science marketers, we have the privilege of working alongside today’s scientists as
The Most Delicious Biotech: Vol. 1
The role of the brewer has always been to optimize the conditions in which biochemical processes occur—in the words of groundbreaking brewing scientist Jean DeClerk, “The yeast
One could make an easy argument that the action in San Francisco this week is as good a prognosticator as there is for the financial health of our industry and it will set the tone